Wellington City Council
August 2022
Mobile Plant Fleet,Underground Services, Deep trenching
Company role:
Subcontractor responsible for all underground service connections.
Installation of three waters connections to the new convention centre across Cable St and Wakefield St in Wellington’s busy CBD. Installation of landscape drainage associated with the new hard landscaping arrangement.
We really enjoyed delivered high-quality connections for this high-profile CBD development.
In this busy urban environment, the challenge was in getting enough road space to deliver the work – while keeping the city moving. We made a plan with the local authority that balanced the project requirements with the traffic constraints and then the team on site executed the work to a high standard.
On Cable St we programmed the work to take advantage of low traffic during the summer holidays. This allowed us to work in a 24/7 site that improved safety and productivity. To take full advantage of the extended traffic management we applied extra resource and worked on multiple crossings at a time. On Wakefield St we used traffic management trials to prove an arrangement prior to delivering the work.
We managed all aspects of service connections – particularly on the three waters, delivering a turnkey product to the project. We managed shutdowns and cut ins to the water network, working with the asset owner to construct, commission and handover.
To install landscape drainage associated with the hard landscaping to finish the project, our the team worked closely with LT McGuinness to service their construction phasing. Installation of an oil and grit interceptor, involved a deep excavation in a tight construction site and moving a heavy pre-cast chamber.