The mighty Grundoram Koloss at work


The mighty Grundoram Koloss at work ramming a 1065OD steel casing under Willis St in Wellington's CBD. This is our largest diameter pipe ram to date and was well within the capability of the tool.

We rammed this casing for E N Ramsbottom Ltd. as part of their project to deliver a new trunk wastewater asset for Wellington Water. “Going trenchless” for this section of the project offered advantages including:

  • Mitigating health and safety risks associated with deep excavations around congested underground services
  • Reducing disruption to users in the road corridor
  • Providing an alternative way to maintain and remove this asset in the future

Thanks as always to TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG for the their ongoing support and advice with all of our trenchless projects. Hopefully Rambo’s give us a nod when they win an award for this one!